Berlin Techno Collective Discovers Raymond Scott

17 01 2015


Got an email a few weeks ago from Anastasia “Sissi” Rada, who is a Berlin based harpist who also studied electronic music.  She had just discovered Raymond Scott and realized (quite rightly in my opinion!) that among other accompllshments he was in many ways the father of Techno (which is a huge cultural phenomenon in Berlin).

Though her electronic music studies were at the university level there hadn’t been anything about Raymond Scott in her courses–an all too common omission!  Having discovered and immersed herself in in Scott music and lore over the past month or so, Sissi decided to help right a wrong by writing an article for Local Suicide–the famous DJ Collective she belongs Berlin (no, I don’t know how they arrived at that name–love to hear from someone who does!).  As part of that lively and entertaining article (with a lot of RS YouTube clips for musical examples) she sent me a number of questions which I did my best to answer, the interview is at the end of the article. Not directly film related, but hope you’ll allow me the freedom of going a bit off topic.  Here’s the link.

And thanks to Sissi for her hard work on this, and a big welcome to her on joining the ever growing ranks of the Raymond Scott faithful who work tirelessly to try and make sure the world gives my father the recognition he deserves!

–Stan Warnow

They Call it Cyber Monday–Reduced Holiday DVD Prices!

1 12 2014

DeluxeDVD Cover 12_131OK, this doesn’t really have anything to do with cyber Monday or the great T-Bone Walker song, but the phrase just popped into my head as I began writing this realizing that coincidentally it was coming out on “Cyber Monday.”  But it is a holiday bargain–once again we’re reducing DVD prices for the holiday season, $5 off both the Deluxe and Original DVD’s.  So the base price for the Deluxe is now $20 and for the original price is $15.  Click Here To Order     These prices will only be in effect for a few weeks, so if you’ve been procrastinating about ordering for yourself or as a gift, now’s the time to act!

And also, we do have a small collection of T-shirts and even a Deconstructing Dad mug on our Merch Table page--click here to visit that page

And remember by ordering the DVD or something else you’re helping to support truly independent film!  Thanks…….

–Stan Warnow

Happy Birthday Dad! Plus German Radio Interview

10 09 2013

Wanted to take a moment note that my father was born 105 years ago today.  And of course my film is an ongoing birthday gift to him (and I hope it will be a gift that keeps on giving).

Stay tuned for more developments.

And at the moment, if you’re a German speaker, you can literally tune in to a WDR (German national radio network) podcast of a piece about Raymond Scott done by Christian Kosfeld.  The piece aired on September 9th, (timed to be near the birthday), but this link is to the podcast info, so you should be able to listen to it here.  And here is the overall info page. I was interviewed for it, along with Gert-Jan Blom (who spoke in English) , so there are a few English snippets, but there are only brief introductory excerpts followed by German translations with the English under, so it’s really best for German speakers!

Anyhow, thanks to Christian for making this all happen!

—Stan Warnow

Deconstructing Dad for Dad’s Day!

2 06 2013
Order DVD

Order DVD

So you could get your dad another unneeded tool for his workshop, or another unneeded tie for his closet (though I don’t think most people even wear ties any more, do they?).  But you get the idea — a DVD of Deconstructing Dad would of course make a terrific and original Father’s Day present for the Raymond Scott fan, or any electronic music loving,  Looney Tunes loving, or jazz history loving…..Dad!

And even if your Dad doesn’t fall into those categories, don’t forget the film is also very much about fathers and sons, parents and children, and some of the best reactions I’ve had from people who have seen it have been from people who responded and were moved by the father son aspect, so I think it would be the ideal present for any Dad, though as the filmmaker, yes I’m a bit prejudiced in favor of the film.  Here’s the link to order the DVD:

And of course if you want to get something a bit more traditional, you can also get film related and Raymond Scott related t-shirts (and other shirts and items) from our Merch Table.

Either way you’ll be helping to support independent film and of course….. .me!downbeach award sjw

Delivery to the USA generally takes about a week or so, so as of this posting, there’s still plenty of time until the big day on June 16th.  And if you read this close to the date, expedited shipping is available…..


—Stan Warnow

Melbourne Australia Screening June 2nd

22 05 2013

ACMIG’day, and delighted to announce that the film will be shown down under on Sunday, June 2nd at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image as part of their Jazz on Film series.  CMI is located in the heart of Melbourne’s famous meeting place, Federation Square, and was founded to celebrate , explore and promote the cultural and creative richness of the moving image in all its forms — film, television and digital culture.  Of course we here at are thrilled to be included in this program, and it represents a new milestone in the film’s history as this is the most far flung event to date.

The screening will be held at 2pm at the ACMI theatres within the centre complex, here’s a link to theACMI page for the screening.  Tickets start at $11 for members, regular price is $15.

Wish I could be there, but it’s a long and expensive trip so unfortunately I can’t be.  But if you’re in the area hope you can make it.

Thanks to Centre Programmer Spiro Economopoulos for seeking the film out for this series…..

—Stan Warnow